
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Honey Don't

On May 1, 2004 I wrote this in my book journal:

I finished reading "Honey Don't" by Tim Sandlin some time in March or April. I can't really remember. Now that I'm not in the book club anymore, I can read whatever I want and I like it better that way. Everytime they picked a book I wanted to read everybody groaned and then we met to discuss it and either no one read it or everyone hated it. This book is by one of my favorite authors. He has a wonderful sense of humor that it is so captivating that I find myself wondering what is real and what is in the book.

He does a great job of relating to the reader and I always want to know more about what happened to the characters after the book is finished. I have read others by this author and although this isn't my absolute favorite, I still loved it.

Honey is a girl who is having an affair with the president of the United States. Her boyfriend comes home one day and finds her and the president together in bed and while chasing him around the apartment, the president trips and hits his head on a decorative flamingo and dies. The rest of the book is about how Honey, her boyfriend, a stranger and Honey's gay football star friend dodge the police, hold the president's body hostage for randsom all the while avoiding the mob. It sounds crazy, I know, but like I said, Tim Sandlin has a way of making even the craziest plot seem like reality.

Nobody liked the president anyway and in the end a homeless man ends up with his head. Honey gets her man (not her boyfriend, he gets taken by the mob). The gay football star also gets his man and they live happily ever after.