
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Best Friends Forever

I like Jenifer Weiner. She's a talented writer and writes about everyday happenings in a way that allows the story to be believable and entertaining. Kind of like if you take my life and take it down one notch :) I finished this book a couple weeks ago as I was returning from a flight from Sacramento.

I didn't laugh outloud. I didn't cry. I wasn't grasping at every page, excited to see what came next. I was, however, drawing parallels to my life and the lives of the two girls in the story. These girls were the best of best friends. Something happens and Valerie thinks she's accidentally murdered someone and runs to the side of her long lost best friend Addie. Reluctantly, because Valerie has hurt her in the past, jumps on board. They embark on a somewhat Thelma and Louise run from the law.

All in all, it was a big misunderstanding and everything worked out okay and Valerie and Addie remined best friends until all eternity. What's even better? Addie falls in love with the FBI agent following them. Bonus!

I have one favorite quote from this book. Only because it puts into words what I have been feeling over the last several weeks, and months, really. "At some level underneath conscious thought, a place down in my cells where, the scientists tell us, memories reside, I'd been waiting for hears for that knock, waiting for the feel of my feet moving across the floor and my hand on the cool brass knob. " This can be interpreded in two different ways. My reunion with my new dad, and my reunion with D. Either way, I have been waiting.