
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why We Suck - A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid

I'm not finishing this book. I read exactly 39 pages and decided it was time to move on. I like Denis Leary, really, I do. As an actor and as a comedian, he's absolutely hilarious. As a writer? He kind of sucks. I'm sure it has mostly to do with the content of this book. He wrote it very well, although he makes it very clear that he just threw out the ideas and left if up to his staff to put it into words.

I don't need a guide to staying fat and stupid. Actually, I'm quite the opposite. I'm not sure what type of audience this book was written for, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't care to specify or narrow it down any. Therefore, it was written for no one except Dr. Dennis Leary. That, my friends, is called a journal.

And, unless you're Anne Frank, Marilyn Manson, or Anna Nicole, I have no interest in reading your journal.

I find nothing funny in making fun of children with autism. I find nothing funny in making fun of working moms. And, I take personal offense to criticizing overweight mothers, doing their absolute best to raise decent children, with their weight being the least of their concerns.

I'll use his own words when explaining why you should not read this book. I only wish I had started reading it before the 7-day-return-rule had been enforced by Barnes and Noble:

"Put this book down. Right now. Do not buy it. Stop reading. Now. . . I am here to debunk and decalssify and otherwise hold up a brutally hones mirror to our fat, ugly, lazy American selves."

While I tend to agree with most of his points (in the one chapter that I actually read), I think that if you don't like America, GET THE FUCK OUT!

I'm moving on to better and brighter things. Denis! Stick to acting. And, if you happen to read this, I want my money back.


Side by Side said...

Kudos you made it to page 39....I gave up way before then.

The hours are too precious to read insulting stuff like this.