
Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

Holy crap! *warning* I will tell you how this book ends in this post, so if you have any interest in reading this book, or seeing the movie. Please, do not read any further. . .

All of the books I have read in the recent year or so have been very entertaining. However, that's just it. That's all they have been. Entertaining. This book, by the end, had me crying. And not just the teary-eyed crying. I'm talking full on sobbing.

Anna was created based on her genetics so that she could be used as a donor for her already born sister who has lukemia. As soon as she was born, Anna started the donation process with her cord blood being infused into her sister's body. After that, there were numerous procedures, invasive ones, that she continued to participate in.

When Anna was 13, she decided to sue her parents for medical emancipation. Not wanting to be a donor for her sister anymore. This action shook her family to its core. What you don't know, until the end of the book, is that it was her sister who asked her to do this. That she didn't want to continue to live the way she had, with most of her time being spent in the hospital, sick and always on the verge of death.

Ultimately, Anna was granted medical emancipation. Her parents left the courthouse to go to her sister's side in the hospital and Anna was asked to stay behind and fill out the paperwork. On the way home, her and her lawyer were in a car accident. Anna was killed. Her kidney was donated to her sister.

I can't believe that I have to wait almost a whole week to see the movie. If it is half as good as the book, it will be an awesome movie.


Nikki said...

Well you didn't give me much to go on in the first paragraph. No thumbs up or down? I want to read this one, so didn't go any further...curious am I.