
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Reincarnationist

Tonight I finished reading The Reincarnationist by M.J. Rose. I figured after about 5 years of reading books that are easy to read I should start to read ones that get the wheels in my head turning again. I've been out of school for a while now and it's difficult to find that intellectual connection when I'm surrounded by all these kids, all these kids' books, all these redundant work reports and all these kids. So, I decided to read what I though would be an intellectually stimulating novel.

It was. Intellectually stimulating in some parts. In other parts it was the same old murder mystery, and in other parts the reference to religion prior to 450 A.D. was, quite honestly, a little bit over my head.

I'm familiar with the fall of the Roman Empire somewhere around this time. Not a fanatic, but I've heard of it so I was able to keep up with that part of it. The part that really confused me was the reference to the Catholic religion and reincarnation in its earliest form. Whoa, what? Catholics at one point believed in reincarnation? I'm not so sure about that....

Anyway, this was a story about a man named Josh (Julius and Percy in past lives), and his quest to find out if the visions he is having are really his past lives reliving themselves or if he's just off his rocker.

Turns out he's not completely insane and reincarnation does exist. I really need to talk to someone who knows about early Catholocism and get all the kinks worked out. I guess if I just looked at this from a novel standpoint and not one where I'm looking for intellectual stimulation, it would have been a good book.

It was a good read. Interesting. Well thought out. But I must tell you, I totally predicted the ending waaaaay before I was supposed to. And to those of you who might read it. Malachai is the one who orchestrated the whole thing.

Sorry, ruining books is part of the fun of this blog.